What do I do if I have a complaint?

Advocate takes seriously all complaints because it is one of the ways we can review and  improve our service and the quality of everything that we do. If you feel there is something about the service we have provided to you that is unsatisfactory, please tell us as soon as possible.

What constitutes a complaint?

  • We regard a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of the service Advocate provided you.
  • If your application has been rejected by a reviewer or a barrister has not been found for your case that will not be considered as a legitimate complaint, unless you feel there has been a failing in the service provided to you by our staff.

All formal complaints are directed to our Chief Operating Officer to ensure they are prioritised at the highest level.

How to make a complaint

  1. A complaint in writing should be addressed to Shyam Popat, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Casework.

    By Email:     complaints@weareadvocate.org.uk (preferred)

    By Post:       Shyam Popat
                         Chief Operating Officer and Head of Casework
                         Advocate, International Dispute Resolution Centre 1 Paternoster Lane, St. Paul's, London, EC4M 7BQ.

  2. If you submit your complaint via email, please mark the subject: Complaint – your full name – your reference number. If you submit your complaint via post, please mark the envelope ‘Private and Confidential’ and put ‘CPT’ in the top left corner.
  3. Your letter or email should explain what the complaint is, and what action you would like to be taken. Please limit your complaint to 500 words. Please do not include any case papers.


What we will do on receiving your complaint

  1. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 7 working days. 
  2. We will consider your complaint fully, and investigate where necessary.
  3. When your complaint has been fully considered, we will write to you with a response.

If appropriate, we will take action to resolve the problem and tell you what that action is. We will take steps to avoid a repeat occurrence.

  • At all times we will treat you with understanding and respect. We ask that you do the same with us.
  • Confidential information in relation to your complaint will be handled sensitively.
  • We are not able to respond to anonymous complaints.
  • We do not deal with matters for which Advocate is not directly responsible unless it involves a safeguarding issue.