Barristers' stories

Abdallah Barakat Story Website Graphic

Abdallah Barakat's story

Abdallah Barakat of 9 Park Place Chambers is a young barrister based in Wales. Abdallah has taken on pro bono work ever since his pupillage. He also volunteers at the Cardiff University Innocence Project. Below Abdallah shares more about why he decided to incorporate pro bono work into his practice, how to take it on with Advocate, and the need for pro bono legal support in Wales.


Michael Jones KC Story Website Graphic

Silk story - Michael Jones KC

Michael Jones KC is an Advocate Reviewer and Panel Member who has assisted on a number of Advocate's family cases, one of our largest areas of law requiring assistance. He encourages other Silks from the family Bar to take on pro bono work and discusses the rewards and opportunities pro bono work provides. 

Simon Miller website graphic

Simon Miller - Pro Bono Barrister and Dads House volunteer story

Simon Miller, barrister at Harcourt Chambers, volunteers at Dads House Family Law Clinic, who won the Pro Bono & Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year Award in the 2024 Bar Pro Bono Awards. Simon has shared more with us about the pro bono work he does at the clinic, and the advice he gives to aspiring lawyers.

Jake Rudman graphic Website

Jake Rudman - 2024 Joint Junior Pro Bono Barrister of the Year story

Jake Rudman of Hatton Chambers was one of our joint winners for the 2024 Junior Pro Bono Barrister of the Year Award, alongside Jennifer MacLeod of Brick Court Chambers. Jake was nominated for his extensive involvement in a long-running defamation and harassment case since early 2020. Jake has shared more with us about his inspiring pro bono journey.

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Samantha Hillas KC - 2024 KC of the Year story

Samantha Hillas KC of St John’s Buildings in Manchester won the 2024 Pro Bono KC of the Year award. She has taken the time share with us on what the importance of ‘accessing’ justice means to her, speaking from her wide-ranging experience in helping pro bono clients, and how pro bono work supported her in becoming a silk.

Lucas Nacif website graphic

Lucas Nacif's story

Lucas Nacif of Farore Law, who was shortlisted in the 2024 Bar Pro Bono Awards, reflects on his dedicated pro bono practice, encouraging other "baby" juniors to take the leap and volunteer. He also reflects on his experience of taking on pro bono work as an Employed Barrister. 

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