We exist because committed barristers across England and Wales
care about access to justice for everyone

We match members of the public who need free legal help with barristers who are willing to donate their time and expertise in deserving cases for those who are unable to obtain legal aid and cannot afford to pay.

Advocate is the Bar’s national pro bono charity that makes it possible for barristers to balance a dedicated practice with making a significant contribution to the community.

“The judiciary recognises the critical contribution that the Bar makes to access to justice through its pro bono work. It is a huge credit to practitioners that they are willing to give up their time for free to help the most vulnerable members of society.”  

- The Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales, The Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill



We really need your support

Advocate is an independent charity that relies on donations to meet all its running costs.

Get involved by donating, organising an event, or running for access to justice

Get partnered with costs specialists when making costs orders on your pro bono cases

Pro Bono Expert Support (PBES) is launching a new branch to include assistance with preparing schedule of costs and drafting applications for pro bono costs orders.

Launch of the Manchester Chancery Litigant in Person Support Scheme (M-CLIPS)

Advocate are launching the Manchester Chancery Litigant in Person Support Scheme ("M-CLIPS") in September to provide unrepresented parties on-the-day advice and advocacy. It has been established with the support of Business and Property Court Judges in Manchester, the Northern Circuit, the Northern Business and Property bar Association and the Local Bar. 

Birmingham CLIPS (B-CLIPS) Scheme completes successful pilot

Having been met with outstanding enthusiasm from volunteers at a number of local chambers, we are delighted to be celebrating the successful completion of the pilot of the Birmingham Chancery Litigant in Person Support Scheme (“B-CLIPS”), having concluded its initial 3 month run in July this year.