The Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales


The Pro Bono Recognition List of England and Wales recognises barristers and solicitors who have given 25 or more hours of pro bono legal assistance in the previous calendar year.

Published annually, the Recognition List seeks to recognise and celebrate those in the legal profession working to ensure access to justice.

The Lady Chief Justice of England and Wales, the Baroness Carr of Walton-on-the-Hill, is the Patron of the Pro Bono Recognition List. It was set up under the aegis of the Attorney General’s Pro Bono Committee, with support from the Bar Council, the Law Society, and all the major pro bono organisations.

The inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales for 2024 has now been published and is available to see here.

Let us know if you have done 25 hours or more of pro bono work in 2024, and we will ensure that you are included on next year’s Recognition List. Submission form found here.


Advocate is collecting submissions on behalf of the Bar. 

Further details: 

  • For further enquiries about the Pro Bono Recognition List of England and Wales, see the website and FAQ section here.

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Thank you, from all of us, for supporting access to justice.