Bar in the Community Volunteer Stories

A range of stories from those across the Bar volunteering their skills in the community. While not all of these were matched through Bar in the Community, they represent the broad spectrum of opportunities available to those across the Bar.

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Nick Griffin

Nick Griffin, barrister at QEB Hollis Whiteman and Trustee at Conciliation Resources, speaks to us about how volunteering work has enriched his career and why he believes barristers often make excellent trustees.

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Helen Moizer

Helen Moizer, a barrister at No 18 Chambers, speaks to us about her experience mentoring those pursuing a career at the Bar and how it has allowed her to give back whilst opening doors to underrepresented groups at the Bar. 

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Rachel Crasnow KC

Rachel Crasnow KC, a barrister at Cloisters Chambers and volunteer with the Schools Consent Project, speaks to us about using her knowledge of the law to facilitate important conversations among young people and the importance of barristers volunteering their skills in the wider community.

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Caroline Paul

Caroline Paul is Marketing Manager at Field Court Chambers and a volunteer on Advocate’s Marketing and Engagement Committee. She discusses some of the volunteering initiatives she’s been involved in and the benefits her participation has had on her career.

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Alina Grisman

Alina Grisman, Clerk at Broadway House Chambers, talks to us about volunteering from a young age and how it has helped her to give back to her community while developing key skills and experiences for her career.


William Mackinlay

William Mackinlay, Chambers Director at South Square, speaks to us about his experience volunteering with the 3Pillars Project, the perspective it has given him on the prison system and the young men within it, and how it has allowed him to give back to the community.