Welcome to the Members' Area

This members' area is for our panel members and/or their clerks to log in and browse available cases with which they might be able to assist. This enables panel members to take a more proactive approach if they find they have some free time or want to see if a case catches their attention.

To search for a case, please log in below and click Case Listing in the menu bar. 

Please note: We have anonymised our cases, to respect confidentiality. You must treat the details you see as confidential to our applicant, and to Advocate.

If you have any queries about taking a case on under the auspices of Advocate, including time estimates for individual pieces of work, please do contact a member of the casework team.

We hope you enjoy using the site and find a case you are interested in.

To search for a case please click 'Case Listing' in the menu bar to the left. This will then allow you to search by geographical region. The pieces of work that have been authorised are divided on each page into Advice/Drafting and Representation. This is to assist you to identify a case and piece of work that will fit with your current schedule.

If we are not currently looking for counsel in your area please note the website is updated regularly, so please do check again.

If you have any queries about taking a case on under the auspices of the Bar Pro Bono Unit, including time estimates for individual pieces of work, please do contact a member of the casework team.

We hope you enjoy using the site and find a case you are interested in.

If you have any questions or problems in the meantime please do not hesitate to contact Katharine by emailing kli@barprobono.org.uk.


Please note: We have anonymised our cases, to respect confidentiality. You must treat the details you see as confidential to the Unit’s applicant, and to the Unit.

- See more at: http://www.barprobono.org.uk/index.php?cID=html_201#sthash.2xfGkInC.dpuf

If you have not yet registered please do not hesitate to contact us expressing your interest (enquiries@weareadvocate.org.uk). We will then provide you with a login name and password as soon as possible.

Please note you must be a panel member or clerk to register for this service, for more information about being a panel member please see here.