Bar in the Community - Opportunities

28 opportunities found

Trustee with HR or charity, corporate governance or employment law expertise
28 Mar 2025
We Hear You
Local organisation based in Somerset BA11 1AU
Organisation Overview We provide counselling and therapeutic support to anyone affected directly or indirectly by cancer and life-threatening conditions. We provide life-changing emotional and psychological support to over 500 people each year. Role ...
Legal Trustee
30 Apr 2025
The Mortimer Society
Local organisation based in Kent ME6 5AN
Organisation Overview We are a registered charity providing residential social care for people living with Huntington’s disease and other complex neurological conditions. Role Details Time commitment: 5 meetings per year usually on a Wednesday in Mar...
Trustee with legal background
30 Apr 2025
At location
Devon Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Services (DRCSAS)
Local organisation based in Exeter EX1 9TG
Organisation Overview DRCSAS provides specialist support, information, advice, practical help and counselling to adults and children over the age of 13 who have experienced any form of sexual abuse or violence at any time of their lives. The overwhel...
Barristers in Schools and Colleges Volunteer
At location
The Bar Council
National charity based in London WC1V 7HZ
Organisation Overview: The Bar Council is the barristers' representative body and our core work focuses on lobbying the government and Whitehall on matters of relevance to the present status and future of the Bar. Unlike the Bar Standards Board, whic...
Casework Coaching
Innocence Project London
National organisation based in London SE10 9LS
Organisation Overview The Innocence Project London is a charity, which works pro bono on behalf of convicted individuals who have exhausted the criminal appeals process and are maintaining their innocence, to make application to the Criminal Cases Re...
At location
Spring Into Action
Local Charity based in Accrington, BB5 0EY
Organisation overview Spring into Action is a community interest company based in Accrington in East Lancashire. We set up in 2012 and have a vision of an inclusive society where people with learning disabilities can fully participate. Our aims are t...
Employment Lawyer
Centre for Human Development
National charity based in Feltham, TW13 4TN
Organisation overview The Centre for Human Development (CHD) is accredited by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) and CPD certified organisation. We prove legal training, business monitoring, immigration advice, employability s...
Housing Law Workshop Facilitator
Wiltshire Law Centre
Local organisation based in Wiltshire SN1 1HE
Organisation Overview The Wiltshire Law Centre is a registered charity, established in 1981 and has provided free independent advice on a range of issues through the years. Currently our eleven specialist caseworkers provide advice on Housing matters...
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Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.