Our Supporters

Advocate is enormously grateful to all of those chambers, organisations and individuals who make our work possible through their financial and in-kind support as detailed below.

To find out about how you can support us, please click here.

Core funders

The General Council of the Bar

The Honourable Society of Gray's Inn

The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

The Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn

The Honourable Society of the Middle Temple

Pro Bono Patrons 

Platinum Circle

Blackstone Chambers (Inaugural Platinum Patron)

Brick Court (Inaugural Platinum Patron)

The Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR)

South Square

Gold Circle

3 Verulam Buildings


4 New Square

Essex Court Chambers

Fountain Court

One Essex Court

Quadrant Chambers

Silver Circle

1 Crown Office Row


3 Paper Buildings

4 Stone Buildings



Atkin Chambers

Deans Court Chambers


Falcon Chambers 

Henderson Chambers

Hewetson & Co

Keating Chambers

Littleton Chambers

Monckton Chambers

Northern Circuit

Old Square Chambers

The 36 Group

Twenty Essex

Wilberforce Chambers

XXIV Old Buildings

Bronze Circle

2 Bedford Row

6KBW College Hill


8 New Square

Balance Legal Capital LLP

Cloth Fair Chambers

Erskine Chambers

Harbour Underwriting

Landmark Chambers

Selborne Chambers

Westgate Wealth Management

Specialist Organisations

The Employment Lawyers Association

The Chancery Bar Association

Chambers funders

Queen Elizabeth Building

And all chambers supporting us through London Legal Walk fundraising

Foundation funders

The Access to Justice Foundation


Corporate funders

Bath Publishing – through royalties from Lucy Reed's book Family Courts without a Lawyer

In kind supporters

DX Network Services Ltd

Place Campbell Chartered Accountants