
At location

Organisation overview

Barnet Mencap supports people with learning disabilities and/or autism and their carers in the London Borough of Barnet.

We are a leading charity for children and adults with learning disabilities and their families and campaign with people with learning disabilities and people with autism and their families to secure high quality services and support in the borough.

Role Details

- Time Commitment: 0-5 hours / month
- Attendance: 
Trustees would be expected to attend meetings 6-7 times per year (each meeting roughly 2 hours), as well as some annual meetings such as an AGM.

Role Description

Our Board Team is made up of Voluntary Trustees. Our aim is to make Barnet Mencap the best organisation it can possibly be. Together we provide strategic leadership, act as ambassadors for our organisation and make sure Barnet Mencap complies with its legal obligations. We are currently particularly looking for somebody who has either legal skills or experience of fundraising.

As a voluntary trustee you would be part of a dynamic and dedicated team that focuses on the strategic direction and governance of the charity, and become an ambassador for Barnet Mencap.

Required Skills & Experience

We are currently specifically looking for somebody who has either legal or fundraising skills, though please read the Duties and Role Description for a more detailed look at the role to see if you think you have the required skills. Some training will be provided. Please do get in touch if you aren't sure if you have the required skills, or if you could offer different skills. 

  • To ensure that the Board complies with its Memorandum and Articles of Association, charity law, and other legislation and regulations. The Memorandum and Articles of Association is Barnet Mencap’s governing document


  • To contribute to the strategic direction of Barnet Mencap, setting goals and targets and evaluating performance, and setting its overall policy.


  • To have an understanding of the needs of people with learning disabilities, and their family carers.


  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of Barnet Mencap.


  • To ensure the financial stability of the organisation, and that it uses its resources appropriately, in pursuit of its objects.


  • To have an up-to-date knowledge of the organisation’s work and to meet its staff, service users, and carers.


  • To work closely with the Chief Executive to achieve the aims of Barnet Mencap. Trustees will meet the Chief Executive during the Induction Period.


  • To attend Board Meetings on a regular basis.


  • To use individual and specific skills and knowledge to develop the organisation.


  • To take part in recruitment and appeal panels on grievance and disciplinary matters.


  • To undertake visits as a statutory provider to Station Road and meet the Project Manager.


  • To attend as required training/briefing sessions, courses, and conferences in order to keep up to date with changes both locally and nationally. Trustees should contribute to the Training Plan and will be supported to make the most of the opportunities it sets out.


  • To attend Meetings as a representative and to act as an advocate for Barnet Mencap.


  • To follow the policies and procedures of Barnet Mencap.


  • To elect a Chair and other Officers from among the Board of Trustees.


  • To approve the budget and annual accounts.


  • Trustees will be provided with the training they need to help them fulfil their responsibilities.


This opportunity is available through Reach Volunteering - please apply here

Causes: Disability, Campaigning
Roles: Trusteeships and Governance
Barnet Mencap
Local Charity based in N3 1RT

Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.