

Organisation Overview

We are a local citizens advice office, part of the national Citizens Advice network. We provide social welfare advice on a range of issues through our community drop in. These include welfare benefits, money advice, housing, employment, family, immigration, Civil law, land law etc. In addition to this we have several specialist advice and caseworker services including debt, energy and welfare benefits and legal aid contracts in housing and discrimination law. We also have a specialist employment service and we are in the process of developing our immigration law advice offering. We have national advice contracts covering consumer law and witness support.

Role Details

Time commitment: Flexible, to be agreed with volunteer.

Attendance: Flexible- to be agreed. We are happy to arrange training delivery via teams to reduce the time and travel commitment of anyone willing to support with this opportunity.

Role Description

We would like to offer training to members of our advice team to support them in the provision of advice and information. We often get queries about legal issues and although we signpost to specialist services (wither in house or external) we are often asked at our community advice service office and outreaches to provide overview advice.

We are therefore seeking high level training for staff on the following areas. These are examples and the list is non exhaustive;

  • County Court procedures and terminology- if a client is thinking of bringing a claim or a claim has been brought against them, what will happen, who contacts them, what sort of terminology will they be likely to hear
  • How to issue a claim- if a client wishes to issue a claim in the county court, how to do they do that
  • County court process overview, the stages of a claim and what they mean
  • Common problems in the County court
  • Money claims and money judgements- what they mean and the clients options if one is issued against them
  • Acting as a litigant In person in the county court

Required Skills and Experience

We would be looking for someone with experience in the county court in civil claims and a familiarity with the CPR and stages of a claim who is able to explain this to non legally trained advisers as a high level overview.

To apply for or express an interest in this position, please email 

Causes: Community Support, Domestic Violence, Employment, Families, LGBTQ+, Health, Homelessness and Housing, Human and Civil Rights, Mental Health, Prisoners and Ex-Offenders, Race and Ethnicity, Religion, Social Welfare, Legal Advice and Justice
Roles: Training and Mentoring
Citizens Advice Gateshead
Local organisation based in Gateshead NE8 1BG
North East

Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.