Business Board Member


Organisation Overview

Support Through Court volunteers help people who do not have legal assistance in the civil and family courts. We do not give legal advice but instead provide practical and emotional support to help people improve their chances of accessing justice .

Cuts in legal aid mean that more people find themselves alone in the legal system. Confusing procedures and terminology are challenging without the additional challenges our client face, such as disability and English as a second language. If someone is eligible to receive legal advice we will help them to access this.

We enable clients to feel calm so that they are better equipped to deal with court proceedings. We give individuals the confidence that they are not alone in representing themselves. Our volunteers do this by listening and discussing a clients case with them, providing emotional support, assisting with form filling, attending court with them, providing practical and procedural support, as well as referring to relevant agencies.

Role Details

Time commitment: Estimated 0-5 hours per month.

Attendance: Mainly remote.

Role Description

This role requires an individual who has experience working as a Senior Leader, Director or Partner in an organisation ideally related to the legal sector.

Business Board Members will raise funds by:

  • Engaging corporate support for fundraising (such as our Partnership schemes) through your company or personal network
  • Gift in kind support – offer rooms for meetings and events, or offer marketing expertise
  • Introducing speakers, help shape high level events, promote and sell tickets for events
  • Promoting Support Through Court to personal and professional networks, to engage supporters and sponsors

Required Skills and Experience

  • Passionate about improving access to justice
  • Experienced and well connected within the legal sector, happy to make introductions and connect people to Support Through Court
  • Willing to promote fundraising products and introduce people to Support Through Court
  • Able to give advice/ steers and feedback on corporate fundraising products such as events and appeals

This opportunity is available through Reach Volunteering - please apply here

Causes: Legal Advice and Justice
Roles: Trusteeships and Governance
Support Through Court
National organisation based in London WC2A 2LL

Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.