Trustee with legal, fundraising, accountancy or media expertise

Deadline: 1 Nov 2024

Organisation Overview

JustUs is a charity that helps people who are currently homeless receive the statutory assistance they are eligible for through Housing Law. It also works to strengthen the knowledge of professionals who work with people who have lost their home through social media and training sessions, and JustUs brings any recurring political issues that are encountered during this work to the attention of relevant authorities.

Role Details

Time commitment: Four one-hour meetings per year.

Attendance: Remote.

Role Description

As a Trustee, you will provide strategic oversight to our work and ensure it is genuinely effective and innovative and that we deliver our charitable purpose.

You will have close relationships with other Trustees and co-founders and spend time getting to know how we make a difference in people’s lives.

Required Skills and Experience

Essential characteristics

  • An understanding of the multiple disadvantages and discrimination that people face when they are homeless
  • A ‘big picture’ perspective of the causes of homelessness and a passion for creating effective solutions
  • Disclosure and Barring Service clearance to work with vulnerable adults and children
  • An ability to share skills and expertise in a team, learn from others and solve issues as they arise
  • A commitment to ethical practice and personal integrity
  • A desire to invest in a good charity in an exciting point in its development

Desirable experience (any of the following):

  • Fundraising
  • Psychologically-informed practice
  • PR / media / publicity
  • Accountancy
  • Project management
  • Understanding of the local political landscape / lobbying / campaigning
  • Legal background

To apply for or express an interest in this position, please email 

Causes: Homelessness and Housing, Human and Civil Rights, Social Welfare, Legal Advice and Justice
Roles: Trusteeships and Governance
Local charity based in Bedford MK40 2TW
South East

Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.