We are the UK’s independent regulator for Registered Nutritionists
A Registered Charity, our role is to protect and benefit the public. We hold the UK Voluntary Register of Nutritionists (UKVRN), a register of competent, qualified nutrition professionals who meet our rigorously applied standards for scientifically sound evidence-based nutrition and its use in practice.
FtP Referral Panel Members
Time commitment: Members will attend one online annual meeting of 2-3hrs to audit cases and outcome decisions in order to produce annual reports. The meeting will normally require about half a day’s preparation/reading time. A small amount of additional time may be required to follow-up/ feedback. The number of referrals a year vary, but a review will normally require 2-4hrs for reading and report submission. A consensus meeting, if required, will normally take place online for 1-2hrs. It is expected the panel will review around 2-6 cases a year.
Attendance: Remote.
FtP Panels Pool Members
Time Commitment: Panels will be formed as required from Pool Members, with it anticipated that members would only participate in ~1 panel a year. Depending on the complexity of the case, hearings could last from a few hours to 3-4 days.
Attendance: Hybrid.
FtP Referral Panel Members Role
We are currently recruiting two Lay (non-nutritionist) Members to our Fitness to Practise (FtP) Referral Panel, to support the upholding of the high standards of practise expected of UKVRN registrants.
The Panel will assess cases regarding FtP concerns to determine whether these should or should not be escalated to an FtP Investigation Panel.
The FtP Referral Panel members shall review referred complaint/concern cases and complete a report with outcome recommendation. When a unanimous decision has not been reached on the outcome recommendation, an online meeting will be held.
The Panel will additionally attend an annual meeting to review the outcome decisions of referred and non-referred cases, to report back on the consistency and appropriateness of decisions.
Ftp Panels Pool Members
The purpose of the Fitness to Practise Panel Pool is to form the membership from which a panel can be selected to assess substantive concerns regarding a registrant’s Fitness to Practise.
All cases will have already been reviewed by an investigator to determine they are within the scope for assessment and referred by the FtP Referral Panel following a decision that full investigation is/was warranted or a unanimous decision on this was not achieved.
The AfN wishes to appoint and maintain a ‘pool’ of independent (lay) members and professional members (UKVRN Registrants) to act as panellists on Investigation, Fitness to Practise and Appeal Panels.
To apply for or express an interest in this position, please email bicenquiries@weareadvocate.org.uk
Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.
Charity No: 1057620.
POSTAL ADDRESS ONLY: Advocate, International Dispute Resolution Centre 1 Paternoster Lane, St.Paul's, London, EC4M 7BQ. We are not open for physical visits at this time.
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