All boxes have been ticked to highlight areas that will be addressed within our integrated system with the overarching subject matter being Domestic Abuse/Violence.
We are are at an early stage of our growth as a charity. Our mission is to provide an alternative approach in supporting victims of domestic abuse. The charity will be supporting all victims of domestic abuse – we are all inclusive and our programmes will provide a 360 degrees support service, an integrated support service addressing the victim’s/survivor’s health, wellbeing and lifestyle. This includes working with victims/survivors that have also crossed over into the criminal justice system, for example, lower level offending such as theft to fund substance misuse. We will expect to take referrals from third sector organisations, Police and also self-referrals from family law firms.
Part of our support service will also include an in-house one stop shop that will provide advice to the victims/survivors from housing to financial to legal.
Time commitment: Up to 2 hours every quarter to attend remote Board meetings; To be part of the decision-making process with the Board when required remotely.
Attendance: Remote.
The volunteer will join the other Board members to govern and manage the charity, ensuring it operates legally and ethically, and fulfilling it’s charitable purposes for the public benefit, as per the Charity Commission’s guidelines.
The volunteer will work alongside our family law non-practising barrister/academic as there is a crossover between family law and criminal justice in domestic abuse cases, They will also advise the Board on current legislation within the criminal justice system, provide advice on legal aid and victims/survivors that have no access to public funds due to their immigration status.
Experience required both in defence and prosecution in Magistrates and Crown Court; a good understanding on domestic abuse related offences including stalking and harassment, coercive control, domestic homicides.
To apply for or express an interest in this position, please email
Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.
Charity No: 1057620.
POSTAL ADDRESS ONLY: Advocate, International Dispute Resolution Centre 1 Paternoster Lane, St.Paul's, London, EC4M 7BQ. We are not open for physical visits at this time.
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