Legal research, resource creation, campaign and community outreach volunteers


Organisation Overview

Formed in 2010 as a coalition of academics, lawyers, civil society representatives, and community stakeholders, StopWatch works to promote fair, effective, and accountable policing in England and Wales, with a primary focus on stop and search.

We use our research into stop and search outcomes to act against disproportionality and injustice. This involves campaigning for evidence-based policies, challenging police malpractice, and empowering overpoliced communities to find solutions for instances of harassment and abuse.

StopWatch is run by a small team of paid staff supported by a cast of volunteering members, and overseen by a board of trustees with expertise and lived experience of criminal justice policy and legislation.

Role Details

Time commitment: No set time - you can volunteer as much or as little as you like!

Attendance: We hold monthly volunteer meetings in person and online - all tasks conducted are remote.

Role Description

We are always open to those who wish to volunteer for us, and hold a monthly members’ meeting on the first Wednesday of every month from 6pm to 8pm at our offices in London. We also hold online volunteer meetings each month for those not in London.

Tasks are varied and include: helping us put together factsheets and other resources, social media management, writing articles for our website, help with campaigns, legal research, community outreach and making connections with other organisations, and various other projects. We also very much welcome those with ideas for blogs, articles, reports to submit them. Volunteers get full credit for anything they work on that gets published.

Required Skills and Experience

There are volunteering opportunities for anyone with a knowledge of admin, legal, policy and research, advice / outreach support, workshop facilitation, campaigns experience, and more.

To apply for or express an interest in this position, please email 

Causes: Human and Civil Rights, Race and Ethnicity, Legal Advice and Justice
Roles: Business Support, Eligible for Law Students
National organisation based in London SW8 1GB

Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.