Treasurer Trustee


Organisation overview

New Horizons is a mental health & emotional wellbeing Charity

Role Details
- Time Commitment:
0-5 hours per month
- Attendance: 
Either in or out of office hours. The Board meet every other month.The Treasurer would ideally step in as Chair of the Funding & Business Planning sub group which also meets bimonthly.

Role Description

Your role is paramount for the sustainability of our charity. You will support our charity’s financial management and thus help us make well informed decisions and plan accordingly, so we can effectively tackle the different challenges we face as a small organisation.

The Treasurer will help trustees to carry out their financial responsibilities and this involves working with the Director and Chair to -

  • present financial reports to the board in a format that helps the board understand the charity’s financial position
  • advise the board on how to carry out its financial responsibilities
  • work with professional advisors including the accountant
  • work with the Director, Chair and accountant to oversee the preparation and scrutiny of annual accounts
  • Work with the Director to help prepare budgets and financial reports.

Required Skills & Experience

  • Demonstrated financial/commercial awareness and knowledge
  • Good communication and leadership skills
  • Proven ability to communicate and explain financial information to members of the Board and other stakeholders
  • Analytical and evaluation skills, demonstrating good judgement
  • Competent use of IT skills
  • Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship
  • Strong interest in mental health issues
  • Senior strategic management and leadership experience


  • Dedicated to the organisation’s cause and objectives and willing to act as the charity’s ambassador to external bodies, charities and companies.
  • An understanding of the UK charity sector, relevant legislations and statutory requirements.

This opportunity is available through Reach Volunteering - please apply here

Causes: Community Support, Health, Mental Health, Sport and Activity
Roles: Trusteeships and Governance
New Horizons
Local Charity based in Aberdare, Wales

Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.