Trustee with legal background

Deadline: 30 Apr 2025
At location

Organisation Overview

DRCSAS provides specialist support, information, advice, practical help and counselling to adults and children over the age of 13 who have experienced any form of sexual abuse or violence at any time of their lives. The overwhelming majority of its service users are female reflecting national statistics for those victimised by these crimes.

DRCSAS also engages in activism, education and research into the subject of sexual abuse/violence, it’s affects on the victim, whether physical, medical, psychological or social and trains volunteers and others to respond appropriately to the needs of victims and promote prevention.

Role Details

Time commitment:

  • 4 x 4 hour long in person Board meetings (during working hours) per year PLUS one annual away-day.
  • Max 3 hour pre-board meeting reading of papers
  • Ad hoc involvement with board sub-groups. These are formed to respond to a specific need and recruit board members with the appropriate experience/interest. It is impossible to state the amount of time this might require as it ranges from a couple of hours to read through and sign off a specific report or policies to being part of a group assessing and commissioning a new data system. Involvement is entirely up to any individual board member.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Any new trustee must undertake the same accredited training programme as new staff members and volunteers. This is a one-off commitment and takes place outside of normal working hours and must be completed within 18 months of joining the Board.
  • There are opportunities to take part in other activities, such as Reclaim the Night, Conferences, Regional Gatherings etc. All of these are entirely voluntary and linked to an individual trustee’s own interests.


  • Board meetings and away days should be attended in person but where this proves impossible, on-line is preferable to non-attendance. Any ad hoc Board sub groups normally work together on-line.
  • Board meetings take place in central Exeter.
  • Travel expenses are reclaimable.

Role Description

Briefly, as a Trustee you are, with your sister Trustees, responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of DRCSAS. This includes ensuring it is financially healthy and remains true to its charitable aims and complies with all relevant legislation. Overall, trustees should: promote the organisation for the benefit of its service users; read board papers, attend board meetings and make decisions about the strategic direction of DRCSAS. This includes working with and supporting the current CEO and the senior management team. 

Required Skills and Experience

Current DRCSAS Board members have a wide range of backgrounds, skills and experience but the most important quality they bring to the board is their passion to work to end violence against women and girls (VAWG) and ensure appropriate provision to support its service users. The organisation would appreciate the addition of a board member who has some legal knowledge of the field of VAWG – and specifically sexual abuse/violence - but is open to a discussion with any woman who wants to offer their time and passion to this work. Our current Board skews ‘older’ as if often the case with boards of voluntary sector charities. We would therefore welcome enquiries from younger women, and those from black and minority ethnic communities. Our building is disabled accessible. 

To apply for or express an interest in this position, please email 

Causes: Domestic Violence, Victim support, Women
Roles: Trusteeships and Governance, Eligible for Practising Barristers
Devon Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Services (DRCSAS)
Local organisation based in Exeter EX1 9TG
South West

Opportunities are listed at our discretion and in line with our values. We do not vet organisations and we encourage volunteers to satisfy themselves of the status and objectives of any organisation they choose to apply to work with.