Barristers' stories

Jamie Goldsmith QC

Jamie Goldsmith QC from One Essex Court explains the inspiration behind setting up Pro Bono Connect, what he hopes it will achieve and talks about his favourite case so far. 

Matthew Morrison

Matthew Morrison, a commercial barrister at Serle Chambers who co-runs the PILARS scheme which helps litigants in person with their insolvency disputes, writes frankly about what it involves.

Beyzade Beyzade

Beyzade is Head of Chambers at Chancery Lane Law, an Advocate reviewer and a judge in the employment tribunal. He also volunteers with ELAAS and takes on pro bono cases. A true pro bono hero!

Rahul Varma

Rahul Varma from Selbourne Chambers on how being handed a wet Tesco bag full of documents at an application hearing inspired him to become a volunteer for CLIPS.

Allan Roberts

An employment barrister with Guildhall Chambers in Bristol, Allan discusses the highs and lows of volunteering for the Employment Litigant in Person Support Scheme (ELIPS).

Tristan Jones

Tristan Jones from Blackstone Chambers blogs about the challenges and rewards of volunteering for the Employment Lawyers Appeal Advice Scheme (ELAAS).

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