Pro Bono Ambassador, Bronze Circle Pro Bono Patron and Advocate panel member, Anthony Pavlovich, tells us all about his experience of pro bono.
To celebrate Volunteers' Week, we spoke to some of our fantastic Pro Bono Ambassadors about what drives them to do pro bono work. These are the barristers who not only dedicate a generous amount of time and expertise to fighting access to justice but encourage others in their chambers to do the same. We couldn't do the work we do without our volunteers - the whole Advocate team is incredibly grateful for their support.
Our ambassadors take us through their experience of pro bono throughout their career, from their very first case to their most memorable, as well as lessons they have learned and advice for any lawyers out there who are sat on the pro bono fence. Read on to see what Anthony Pavlovich has to say.
It was whilst I was still studying for the Bar. I was looking to gain advocacy experience in a real case in front of a real judge.
To gain useful experience.
This case was a year or two ago. The client sued for money owed under an oral loan agreement. She was simultaneously threatened with bankruptcy. After a four-day trial, the client obtained judgment and the bankruptcy proceedings were then disposed of by consent.
Pro bono work has helped me to gain experience that I'd otherwise not have got so soon in my career, as well as raising my profile with others in the legal profession.
Pro bono cases often give me a bigger opportunity to make a difference to my clients' lives than paying cases.
The benefits are obvious so there's no need to be unsure.