ATP Rebecca Wilkie Piece 2025   New 1

In 2024, we received 31 requests for help every working day—our highest demand to date in our 29-year history. This significant increase speaks volumes about the issues surrounding access to justice today and the growing need for pro bono support. 

Over the next few weeks, barristers are in a unique position to make a difference through the upcoming authorisation to practise (ATP) process. If you can, we ask that you consider donating to Advocate when renewing your practising certificate through the MyBar portal. Your support will help to sustain our vital work, providing free advice and representation to those with nowhere else to turn. 

Over the past year, the Bar’s commitment to pro bono has made a tangible difference to providing access to justice.  More barristers have taken on pro bono cases through Advocate and over 7,000 barristers donated during the 2024 ATP renewal process. This support is invaluable as it contributes 42% of our total income. 

We are a charity which was created by the Bar, and we are sustained by the Bar—this is what makes us who we are.  

It is thanks to your continued generosity that we can continue to change lives by connecting people with a barrister. As one person we supported recently wrote to us to say: “At a time when I was near homeless, and when my children and home were taken from me, Advocate showed to be a beacon for the type of support which I needed because the legal system was very alien to me and something I simply could not afford or comprehend at the time.” 

The demand for our service has reached new heights, driven by the increased cost-of-living and the financial hardships many households continue to face. Vulnerable groups are bearing the brunt of these challenges. According to the 2024 Value of Justice for All report commissioned by the Access to Justice Foundation and the Bar Council, 51% of those seeking legal help have a long-standing illness or disability. 

We understand that not everyone at the Bar may be in a position to donate, but if you can, we ask you to consider contributing to Advocate when you renew your practising certificate. Your donation will help us continue to make a real difference in the lives of those who need our help the most. 

Rebecca Wilkie, CEO of Advocate