Following an initial introduction at the end of 2023, Advocate are pleased to finally be launching the Leeds Business and Property Court Litigant-in-Person Support Scheme (“Leeds BPC Scheme”), established with the support of Business and Property Court Judges in Leeds, the North Eastern Circuit and the Local Bar.


Leeds BPC launch Oct 2024 1


This duty scheme will run parallel to existing arrangements in London, Newcastle, Birmingham and Manchester, providing on-the-day advice and advocacy for unrepresented parties on the Companies Court Winding-Up List and the District Judges’ Business and Property Court Applications List, both of which are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, starting on 22nd October 2024.  

Barristers with post-pupillage chancery experience are invited to volunteer to be on duty for one day at a time, and will be required to be at the designated conference room in either the Leeds Combined Court Centre or West Gate on the day on which they are volunteering, and will accept instructions under the licensed access auspices of Advocate.

A welcome addition to the growing number of duty schemes across the country, the Scheme has already received enthusiastic support from the local Bar, as well as Jason Pitter KC, Leader of the North Eastern Circuit, who expressed the Circuit's support of the Scheme at it’s initial launch last year: “The Circuit is delighted to be giving its full support to the Scheme, and are pleased to see such enthusiasm from so many of our local specialists wanting to support the deserving public.”.

We are now welcoming volunteers to sign up for the upcoming dates between 22nd October 2024 and 12th December 2024, via our online Duty Scheme Webpage.

If you have any questions, would like further information or are interested in signing up for the Scheme, please contact our Schemes Caseworker, Jessica at or our Barrister Lead, Duncan Heath (Enterprise) at