As a successful and event-filled Pro Bono Week draws to a close, our CEO Rebecca Wilkie reflects on the highlights of the week that celebrated the legal profession's inspiring voluntary contribution to helping those in need of free legal help.
First and foremost, a big thank you to the barristers who have done pro bono work over the past year, and all those in chambers who have helped place cases and champion our work. We, and those we help, would be lost without you.
Throughout the week our casework team have been hotfooting it around the country visiting chambers to talk about all things pro bono. Our many thanks to all those involved and who hosted us, including Landmark Chambers, Deans Court, XXIV Old Buildings, Field Court Chambers, 29 Bedford Row and St Philips Chambers.
Here are a few highlights from the week:
In a warm up to the Week on Friday 1st November, it was great to have the opportunity to speak about pro bono at the South Eastern Circuit’s event for new pupils. Thanks to Circuit Leader Leon Kazakos KC for thinking of us.
At Monday's official launch event, we heard from the new Solicitor General, Sarah Sackman KC MP and Advocate General for Scotland, Catherine Smith KC, as well as Pro Bono KC of the Year 2024 Samantha Hillas KC. The day was also spent meeting fellow judges of LawWorks’ 2024 Pro Bono Awards - Chris Minnoch, Paul Rogerson, Mark Evans, and Richard Owen. It was encouraging as ever to see the impressive variety of pro bono work being done by law firms and law schools nationwide.
On Tuesday, 100 young lawyers attended the Pro Bono Week young lawyers event held in partnership with Advocate, Junior London Solicitors Litigation Association, London Young Lawyers Group, Middle Temple Young Barristers' Association, Pro Bono Connect and The Bar Council of England and Wales' Young Barristers’ Committee. We were delighted to hear inspiring stories from young lawyers on their experiences of pro bono work. We were also joined by Lord Hodge, Deputy President of the Supreme Court, who spoke about the importance of pro bono and encouraged everyone to get involved: "Given the widespread unavailability of legal aid, pro bono has never been more important…the rules of common law require guidance to navigate. Pro bono volunteering doesn’t solve the problem, but it does help”.
Wednesday celebrated one year of the Pro Bono Expert Support scheme delivered by The National Pro Bono Centre and Pro Bono Connect, and an expansion bringing costs lawyers to help obtain pro bono costs orders. We are delighted that this scheme now exists and is offering excellent support to barristers when taking on pro bono cases with Advocate.
Our Northern Circuit caseworkers helped organise the first ever Manchester Pro Bono Awards on Wednesday with the Greater Manchester Pro Bono Committee. Many congratulations to this year’s winners, in particular Kings Chambers for winning Chambers of the Year, and Michael Jones KC for winning Barrister of the Year.
Thank you to the Legal Practice Management Association for inviting trustee Richard Khaldi and I to speak at the annual conference. It was invaluable to speak with chambers professionals who play a key role for us within their sets.
Thursday night was spent moderating a panel discussion on supporting clients in distress, where I was grateful to hear advice from the inspirational guests including District Judge Lynda Nightingale, Louise McCarthy, Naga Kandiah, Rebecca Norris and Ollie Persey.
On Friday our Midland Circuit caseworker went to Birmingham to attend the Birmingham Law Society Pro Bono Week event to network and share pro bono volunteering opportunities with members, as well as to deliver a session on pro bono to barristers, pupils and clerks at St Philips Chambers.
On Saturday I went to the Institute of Barristers’ Clerks conference, where trustee Joe Wilson and our North Eastern Circuit caseworker spoke in the plenary session about the vital role that chambers’ staff play in facilitating pro bono.
To round off the week, Advocate are excited to announce that nominations are now open for the 2025 Bar Pro Bono Awards. We want to ensure that the brilliant pro bono work happening at the Bar, as highlighted this week, receives the recognition it rightly deserves. Find out more about the awards and nominate now.
Advocate look forward to working together with the Bar not just in future Pro Bono Weeks but all year-round to ensure that more people have access to justice. Find out more about working with Advocate.
Read more about the events and highlights of Pro Bono Week 2024 here.
6 Mar 2025
20 Nov 2024